Accredited TEFL Course Thailand
Accredited TEFL courses are an important benchmark! Think of TEFL or TESOL accreditation as quality control with ongoing evaluation and constant improvement that is being continually reviewed by external bodies. The proper accreditation plays a vital role for recruiters looking to ensure that the training you received meets satisfactory levels of quality that are recognized worldwide. Choosing an accredited TEFL course will ensure you receive the proper professional training that will provide you with the skills and guidance you will need to follow your dreams of working abroad as a teacher.
Entrust TEFL is an internationally accredited TEFL course by the World TEFL Accrediting Commission holding the accreditation number #567755TH24 which is very high on the list of accredited TEFL courses. World TEFL Accrediting Commission is one of the best independent TEFL or TESOL accrediting bodies available today. Based in New York, United States of America WTEFLAC has grown to one of the most respected accrediting organizations through their globally accepted high standards which ensure professional accreditation of TEFL or TESOL providers worldwide. The International TEFL accreditation provided by WTEFLAC provides another layer of assurance that your Entrust TEFL certificate will be accepted by schools and recruiters worldwide.
Accredited TEFL Course Thailand
As strange as it sounds, most TEFL or TESOL companies are not Internationally accredited and about half hold a lesser accreditation for an online course ($49/year) as it is cheaper with little to no questions asked. The other half simply accredit themselves by creating their own TESOL or TEFL accreditation websites or partnering with other TEFL or TESOL providers to simply provide accreditation to each other rather than just improving their training programs. TEFL accreditation is good as it allows for constant improvement and the proper accreditation plays a vital role for recruiters looking to ensure that the training you received meets satisfactory levels of quality that are recognized worldwide.
Entrust TEFL Company Business Registration Document
Think of company registration as the sturdy foundation of any business or any type of TEFL accreditation. Holding a company registration should be the most basic element for an ongoing business so rest assured, Entrust TEFL is a fully registered and bonded company holding the registration number #0105548105158 with three permanent locations in Thailand. Being a legally registered business, this does not only mean that we pay taxes and are subject to its laws, but it also means that as a consumer you have the peace of mind to know that we are fully bonded, insured and all our employees are working legally.
Entrust TEFL was registered in 2002 under the American / Thailand treaty and has grown to become the best TEFL provider and secondary education company in Thailand today.
As strange as that sounds, most TEFL or TESOL providers in Thailand are not legally registered businesses. Most operate purely as a website and rent conference rooms at a hotel or resort to provide the training. If they are not a legally registered business, there is zero legitimacy and zero consumer protection. A good way to identify one of these companies is that no physical location information will be present on their website as they are hiding from local authorities and certainly not an accredited TEFL Course.
Entrust Teaching Language Educational School Licensing
I think you would agree if you are providing training of any kind that results in a certification you should be licensed to do so otherwise your training and completion certificate will hold no real value. Entrust TEFL is also ISO certified to legally certify our graduates. Being licensed ensures that the training curriculum being used has been reviewed and approved by a relevant educational body, the training location has been inspected for health, safety, and provides a spacious and professional environment to conduct the training as well as go towards TEFL accreditation. Just like in any country worldwide the school, college, or university is licensed, regulated, and monitored by educational and governmental bodies to ensure that professional standards are being met and maintained, a TEFL or TESOL training school is no different.
A language school license is the first step toward becoming a licensed TEFL or TESOL school in Thailand. The language school license takes about three years to complete as it involves engineers ensuring that your training facility and student areas are fully up to code with health and safety. During this time the Thai Ministry of Education is also meeting with your staff, reviewing your course outlines, course curriculums, daily lesson plans, grading, course books, course activities, tests, exams, quizzes, or anything you would possibly hand to a student at your language school for each level for their approval.
Entrust "Teach English as a Foreign Language" Teacher Training Licensing
Once you have successfully been granted a license by the Thai Ministry of Education to be a language school to teach Thai nationals English or other skills you can start the process to become a licensed school to teach non-Thai nationals as your typical TEFL or TESOL student is NOT a Thai national, which is straightforward and less lengthy of a process as your training facility itself has already been approved. Becoming licensed to conduct TEFL or TESOL training follows the same process of having the Thai Ministry of Education meet with your trainers, go over their qualifications, ensure that the TEFL students have access to photocopy machines, teaching equipment, rest areas, and other improvements needed for foreign students. During that process, the Teachers Council of Thailand and Ministry of Education review your TEFL training outline, TEFL course curriculum, daily lesson plans, grading, course books, test, exams, quizzes, or anything that could possibly be seen by your TEFL students. They also must review how you will be teaching Thai culture and how you will be conducting real-world training and observation at local schools. Once they have approved your TEFL course and all its content you have successfully been granted a license to conduct TEFL or TESOL teacher training. I truly hope that more TEFL or TESOL schools seek legitimate licensing to conduct the training in the near future, but at this time only two companies hold such licensing in Thailand which should be certainly part of any accredited TEFL course.
Entrust TEFL is one of the few TEFL training providers that is licensed by the Thai Ministry of Education, monitored by the Teachers Council of Thailand to train and certify TEFL or TESOL teachers holding the license number of #CM 01-005-2529. Entrust TEFL being both a legally registered company and fully licensed to conduct teacher training ensures that the Entrust TEFL Certificate given upon completion of the course fully satisfies the legal requirements of a 140-hour TEFL course and is recognized by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a legitimate TEFL or TESOL training program worldwide.
Unbelievably, most TEFL or TESOL providers in Thailand do not hold a license to conduct TEFL or TESOL training and merely operate as unregistered training centers with no licensing or supervision from the educational sector. Most TEFL companies claim to be licensed, endorsed, certified, approved, or best buddies of the Ministry of Education and to conduct TEFL training, however a language school license only allows them to teach Thai nationals, Not foreigners or Westerners of which the average TEFL or TESOL class is comprised. Some TEFL companies even show a copy of a language school license on their website which is not in their name. I don’t know about you, but if you tell me you have a license for something shouldn’t that license be in your name?
Entrust TEFL Partnerships
Non-formal private Education Association

The Thai Ministry of Education in partnership with Entrust TEFL provides collaboration of both the government and private sectors working together to promote Education in Thailand. Entrust TEFL provides teacher training to Thai teachers of ESL on behalf of the Thai ministry of Education around the country.
Entrust TEFL Memberships
International Association of TEFL (IATEFL)
Entrust TEFL is an institutional member of the International Association of TEFL holding the membership number of #21401. IATEFL is based in the UK is one of the largest professional ESL teacher communities of over 4,000 members sharing ideas and strategies for better learning.
Who is Entrust TEFL
Entrust TEFL is a legally registered, TEFL accredited, fully licensed, bonded company with over 17 years in the teacher training and teacher placement industry. Since inception we have had the pleasure to train, qualify, and place over 6,500 graduates in paying ESL jobs across Thailand with many now working worldwide exploring new cultures as teachers.
With an Entrust TEFL certificate, you can certainly work anywhere in the world as we are fully licensed locally and internationally TEFL accredited globally by The World TEFL Accrediting Commission, based in New York, USA. Furthermore each Entrust TEFL certificate is certified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign affairs so that any school or government agency worldwide has the guarantee that the training was in fact by an Educational licensed body, a legally registered company that satisfies (or surpasses) the educational requirements. We currently have graduates working in Hungary, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Ukraine, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Ireland, UK, Mexico, Central American, and many more not listed.
As a TESOL or TEFL organization, we adhere to stringent guidelines and quality controls to ensure that both our customers and the receiving schools are fully satisfied with the quality of training that we provide. Due to the dynamic nature of the teaching environment, our course is constantly adapting to stay one step ahead of the teacher training industry. Course evaluations are seriously taken into consideration as we consider both student and school feedback an integral component of improving the program as we value the honesty and integrity of our students’ willingness to assist us in tailoring packages that will best suit the next generation of students/teachers.
Entrust TEFL provides a TEFL course, which includes not only your 140 hours accredited course but also a variety of accommodation venues, trips, sightseeing tours, trekking, transportation, volunteer teaching, guaranteed teaching job upon completion, and much more, in one economical fee. Entrust TEFL provides a solid and refined course program, which we feel is uniquely superior to other TESOL or TEFL providers here in Thailand and we are happy that the Thai Ministry of Education feels the same way. Our program not only prepares you to step into the classroom with confidence through earned experience but gives you the skills and teaching material for success.
Educational Awards
Entrust TEFL is both a well-respected and an award-winning teacher training company that’s TEFL accreditation and teaching methods are recognized worldwide. Entrust TEFL has received over 30 Educational awards of the past few years and continues to raise the standard for teacher training companies worldwide. Our graduates are highly sought after by schools for their quality of training and knowledge of culture. Many top-notch schools continually only hire Entrust TEFL graduates as the level of training is so high. Entrust not only trains foreigners, but also trains Thai nationals in English proficiency and other skills so that they may be placed as care givers, nanny’s and even office staff in Western countries. This allows the opportunity for Thai nationals to gain valuable experience of living and working abroad.

Entrust TEFL was Awarded “The Best TEFL provider in Thailand” by the Thai Ministry of Education during the 2016 Thailand Educational Awards. The best TEFL or TESOL training company (international or domestic) provides the best-trained teachers to schools in Thailand.

Entrust TEFL was Awarded the Secondary Education Award for its exceptional training of foreign teachers. Our teacher training division has continually delivered a higher level of training and professionalism, which creates a high demand for our graduates across Thailand.

Entrust TEFL was Awarded the Best Business and Product Award as our professionalism and ongoing dedication kept us both competitive and innovative providing tremendous customer satisfaction to ensure business continuity in the long-term both in Thailand and abroad.

Entrust TEFL wins the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Award by providing teachers to both Thailand and surrounding countries to help improve their English and other skill levels to better succeed in the ASEAN Community.

Entrust TEFL receives a good company and person Award for the enhancement of the children and youth of Thailand. Entrust TEFL continually provides quality trained teachers throughout Thailand, free English camps, free teaching, and donation of uniforms and educational equipment.

Entrust TEFL receives the Youth Education award for its continuing dedication to benefit Thailand and educating its youth. Entrust TEFL also starts to provide training for the department of skills development in Thailand to help train skilled labor for needed sectors of employment.

Entrust TEFL wins the Rama 5th Award. This prestigious Humanitarian award is only given out to 100 individuals per year. The deserving winners of this award have the tremendous honor to receive this award personally handed to them by a member of the royal family of Thailand.

Entrust TEFL receives the Education Excellence Award for an outstanding company of the year in its dedication to providing sustainable education to Thailand and its youth. This award is only given to 100 individuals a year by the royal family often the King himself.
Company Recognition

The Thai Ministry of Education officially announces its M.O.E. partnership with Entrust TEFL to provide quality teachers to Thailand. Entrust TEFL becomes a VIP member in the collaboration of both the government and private sectors working together to promote Education in Thailand

Entrust TEFL is recognized by the Most Senior Chief Commissioner of the Royal Thai National Police as a valuable partner and Role model for Thailand. As a leading Educational company in Thailand, it is important to work and be recognized by the “Top Cops” as we are working together for a safer Thailand.
Entrust Group Ltd., Co. was incorporated in Irvine California as an educational provider of secondary education and to provide Native English Speaking teachers to non-native countries.
Entrust incorporated in Thailand under the American/Thailand Amenity treaty, which links both the American and Thai companies to provide undeniable credibility as an educational institution.
Entrust Recruitment was established to provide qualified teachers and trainers to schools or institutions to prepare Thailand to enter the ASEAN community.
Entrust Corporate Coaching division was established in Bangkok to provide specialized business training to Thai Corporate professions in Thailand and boasts clients such as Shell Thailand, Bristol Myers, TMB Bank, and many more.
Entrust created its own teacher training division in Bangkok to properly train teachers prior to placement with its recruitment division. This came as many of our clients (schools and agencies) complained that the teachers we obtained from TEFL / TESOL schools had no idea how to teach or conduct classes.
Entrust TEFL becomes an institutional member of the International Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
Entrust TEFL moved both its teacher training division and Thai head courts from Bangkok to Chiang Mai Thailand. We followed valuable input from our TEFL graduates in suggesting we move from a traditional 4 week 120-hour course to a three-week 120-hour course and included other amenities such.
Entrust partnered with an established language school to provide secondary education to the local community holding the Thai Ministry of Education License # 205/2554
Entrust TEFL established a foundation to give back to the local community and place volunteers in projects nationwide. Our foundation is licensed to help both people and animals, which we are heavily active in both.
Entrust TEFL Established a beach training location in Krabi to give our participants a beach and island vibe during their teacher training course.
Entrust TEFL is given a seat on the board of governors of the Non-Formal Private Education Association of Thailand.
Entrust TEFL was awarded the BEST TEFL provider in Thailand by the Thai Ministry of Education during the Thailand Educational Awards.
Entrust TEFL becomes the first TEFL provider licensed by the Thai Ministry of Education in Thailand and holds the License # CM 01-005/2559. Many TEFL providers claim to be licensed by either partnering with a language school or by creating their own; however, the license is solely in the name.
The Thai Ministry of Education officially announces its partnership with Entrust TEFL to provide quality teachers to Thailand. Entrust TEFL becomes a VIP member in the collaboration of both the government and private sectors working together to promote Education in Thailand.
Entrust TEFL partners with the department of skills development to help both public and private sectors to assess and meet labor demand.
Entrust TEFL to create satellite training locations in both Sihanoukville Cambodia and Hoi An Vietnam to offer more options for our participants and agents.
Volunteering Projects
Entrust TEFL has been performing volunteering activities since its inception to the creation of Future Advance Foundation was inevitable as we wanted to give back to our local community. As with all aspects of our business, Future Advance Foundation is a fully registered, fully licensed foundation with several ongoing volunteering projects nationwide, which involve many of the photos below. TEFL accreditation is very important to us and should also be important to you.
A portion of each TEFL enrollment is donated to Future Advance Foundation which allows the TEFL participant to contribute directly to each volunteering activity during their enrollment month. The combined contribution by enrolling in our TEFL program and donating their time during our three days of observed teaching practice at a school allows each TEFL participant to be awarded an authentic volunteering certificate signed and stamped by the school district, which always looks good on a CV or resume.