Entrust TEFL wins ‘Good Corporate Governance’ award

Entrust TEFL wins ‘Good Corporate Governance’ award

Entrust TEFL wins the Good Corporate Governance award. Entrust TEFL gratefully received the “Good Corporate Governance and Social Contributor of the Year Award”, a prestigious honor sponsored by the King of Thailand and presented in an official ceremony in Bangkok, overseen by former Privy Councilor General Phichit Kulvanich. Entrust was singled out as an exemplary organisation dedicated to the welfare of its employees and trainees, raising education standards in Thai schools, and contributing to society with charity and voluntary works. Providing accommodation, social activities, and friendship, Entrust works hard to make trainees feel at home in their role as teachers in a foreign land. Moreover, in addition to receiving world class professional TEFL training, enabling them to deliver high-quality lessons in their school placements, trainees also donate a portion of their enrollment fees to charity and perform voluntary work during their course. The judges felt strongly that Entrust had created a sustainable business model beneficial to everyone involved. real teaching observation and practice


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