Student Levels

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This chapter is important, as it analyses the differences in learning styles and requirements from absolute beginner, beginner, intermediate and advance students. Also important to note that they are the different student levels within each classroom environment – as we all have differing capacities to acquire knowledge. Mixed classroom levels are also covered within the course.

Student levels in Thailand can depend on the schooling environment and where you end up being placed or where you may find a job. Typically there are 4 different types of learning institutions in Thailand – The Government schools, Private schools and International Schools – in conjunction with Language Schools or also known as language academies providing you an opportunity to perfect your newly achieved rock star teaching skills.

Within Government, and some Private schooling systems the levels are as follows: Anuban (Kindergarten aged between 3 to 5), Prathom (Primary School aged between 6 to 12), and Matthayom (Secondary School aged between 12 to 18). In International Schooling systems they may adopt a Grade 1 to 12 system – based on their curriculum standards.

However, as an ESL teacher you will be required to be versatile and adaptable to a dynamic classroom environment: which may include learners from the same classroom having vastly different abilities and learning requirements. Ranging from Beginner to Upper-Advanced you will need to facilitate a learning environment that includes fun filled activities and mentally stimulating situations for all of your students.

Studying class dynamics and understanding how to manage the differences in learning styles and abilities is integral to success as well as taking note to which errors are systematic to better prepare for future learning. Differing levels of proficiency can be used to your advantage – as the advanced students can assist the slower learners. Grouping strategies and tailoring packages to best support all of your students will also be explored

Event Hours(1)

  • Monday

    01:00 pm - 02:30 pm

Assessment Category: Learner & Teacher Motivation

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