teaching of grammar and word order

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The teaching of grammar and word order

Grammar can be presented in many different ways in a TEFL classroom environment: with the main goal for your students to transcend from discovery, to accuracy to fluency. Here, the practice phase can be structured or free-flowing, depending your student levels and language requirements. We also explore basic sentence structures, and direct/reported speech.

As mentioned above: the main intention of a grammar lesson is to teach from discovery, to accuracy to fluency. Teaching grammar is generally a highly structured process, reliant on oral and written components of the lesson. Illustrative components (such as white board use) are also important, as students can process a visual representation of the required structure and function of the English Grammar.

As an ESL teacher, the application of a highly structured whiteboard, or elicitation material is very important. The demonstration of proper functional use of grammar is integral to the functional application of the language. For example, when teaching “word order” subject + verb + object: students should not only hear your explanation but see it written clearly on the board too.

Teaching the differences between reported and direct speech is a little easier to explain: and will mostly rely on worksheets or textbook materials and use of your oral explanations. The same process applies for active and passive voice - but the visual representation of both above examples will further assist your students in the search for understanding.

Contractions are also an important skill for your students, as it will further increase their likelihood of using functional, rather than structural English. They make conversation less cumbersome and more informal - again, always pre teach these before use to elicit understanding.

Event Hours(1)

  • Monday

    09:00 am - 10:00 am

Assessment Category: Language Analysis & Awareness

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