Opening the doors on South East Asia

Bangkok is Thailand’s biggest, busiest and most vibrant city.  It is also your launch pad into the rest of South East Asia, with easy, cheap and convenient access to the rest of Thailand and beyond.

Thailand’s main international airport is located in Bangkok, which means that you can get a flight to just about anywhere from this city.

All the airlines which serve Thailand offer flights in and out of Bangkok, and there are a wide range of slots on the schedule to choose from when booking your seat.  More seats mean more price choices, and more special offers on these flights.  Low-cost carriers are also on the rise in Thailand, and this is bringing out the competitive streak in the airlines, helping to keep prices low and more affordable.

Master planners should be able to secure themselves a one-way flight to just about anywhere in Thailand for about 2 000 baht.  All it takes is a bit of concentrated internet-time to wing your way across Asia from Bangkok without burning a hole in your pocket, but be sure to include any airport and other taxes in your calculations.

The stunning beaches and temples of Krabi are within easy reach, just over an hour away, and will set you back just 1900 baht, while the cheapest flight to the tourist hotspot of Phuket is even less.  Likewise, travel to neighboring countries is a breeze and you can get to Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma and other South East Asian destinations for under 10 000 baht depending on where you go.

If you are not a fan of flying and have loads of time on your hands, you could also take the bus to numerous destinations across the continent for even less than the price of a flight.

In Bangkok, anything is possible and everything is a pleasure, and that includes expanding your travel horizons using this interesting and unique city as your home base.

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