If you have been toying with the idea of teaching English in Thailand, but you’ve no idea where to begin—or if it is indeed even the right move for you—then look no further. In this article we will cover absolutely everything that you need to know about teaching in Thailand.
We will explore the following: (Click to jump to section)
- What are the requirements for teaching English in Thailand? (qualifications, Nationality, documentation, etc)
- The average earnings for a teacher and how far that will go in terms of cost of living
- How much money can you save by living and working in Thailand?
- Processing Visa and work permits
- Where are the best places to live & teach in Thailand?
Is teaching English in Thailand the right move for you?
But before we get started, first you must determine if teaching really is for you. Now, it’s difficult to tell just by reading an article. The fact is, you will never truly know if teaching is for you unless you try it. But don’t panic! If you finish this article and are still thoroughly eager for an adventure, then the chances of you getting to Thailand and not enjoying teaching would be slim to none—most people who try it absolutely adore it!
The qualities that make great teachers
Great communication skills
Naturally, having the ability to communicate well with others is among the most important qualities required to become a great teacher. If you have always been good at making new friends and communicating with others, then you’re off to a good start.
Empathy is having the innate ability to anticipate others’ feelings and to build strong connections with them. If you are good at reading a room and looking at them as a group of individuals, rather than an individual group, then you will experience greater success in this field.
Sense of humor
Having a sense of humor certainly isn’t a requirement, but it definitely goes a long way! Part of being a teacher is making the learning experience as fun as possible, both for the students, and for yourself. If you can laugh at yourself and not take things too seriously, then teaching in Thailand will prove to be one of the most joyous and pleasurable experiences of your life.
Organisation is vital when it comes to teaching. You can’t just roll up to each lesson without a plan. Which means that you’ll need to make time in your schedule to plan each lesson, every week. You will certainly find plenty of time to do this throughout the day during free periods and on your break, so it might be worth utilising that time wisely so that you won’t have to bring your work home with you. Of course, just because you may not be particularly well organised now, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to learn how. So, don’t write teaching off just yet.
Are you a problem solver? How good at you at thinking on your feet? The fact is things don’t always go to plan in teaching. Writing a lesson plan is important, but you must always be prepared to adapt should things not work out the way you were anticipating (e.g., equipment fails, an activity takes too long, or your lesson plan didn’t quite fill the allotted time).
You need to want to teach and you need to be passionate about it too. When you really think about the great gift that you will be sharing with your students and what opportunities a proficiency in English will grant them, it becomes all the more worth it. With passion comes greater depth and enjoyment and thus, success.
Are you an especially patient person? If not, then you may wish to start practicing now. Whilst teaching will always present you with new challenges and opportunities, you will certainly find an element of repetition (particularly when your students are making the same mistakes over and over). Teaching is about having the patience to endure, and the empathy to understand. Let’s see how quickly you pick up the complex Thai language!
So, how did you get on? Have you ticked off many of these? If so, then it looks like you’re an ideal candidate for teaching. If you’re still interested to explore teaching in Thailand further, then read on for the ultimate guide and let’s get you started!
What are the requirements for teaching in Thailand?
Now, we are going to outline the legal requirements set forth by the government to teach in Thailand. Some people that you may speak to might suggest certain loopholes or point out areas that are somewhat lax. For example: you can get away with teaching without a work permit in certain schools. Thus, you will be working illegally. This is not something we suggest or condone. However, it is certainly not unheard of.
To working legally in Thailand, you need to obtain a valid work permit to do so. If you are a degree holder, then you will be eligible to receive a Non-Immigrant “B”. If you are not holding a degree and over the age of 20, then you will be eligible to receive a Non-Immigrant “O”. Both Non-Immigrant visas (“B” or “O”) open a 90-day window for you to obtain a valid work permit from your employer to work legally in Thailand.
Thai schools certainly prefer experienced degree holding teachers to teach in their schools, so if you wish to do everything by the book, here’s what you’ll need:
Certified university degree and transcript from a 4-year college
A TOEIC score of 600+ or IELTS score of 5+ if you’re from a non-native speaking country
Non-Immigrant ‘B’ Visa
Supporting documentation
Is TEFL Certification an Essentiality for teaching in Thailand?
Legally speaking, a TEFL certification is not a requirement to teach as a volunteer. However, it is a required document to obtain a work permit in teaching, but this varies between labor departments. It is important to note almost every single school in Thailand will require one in absence of any teaching experience, or a degree in education. That, and learning TEFL is the perfect way to acclimatize to the culture, the climate, and the classroom. To learn more, here are 10 Questions most people ask themselves when picking a TEFL/TESOL Company.
What does the average teacher earn in Thailand?
You may not be blown away by the earnings for teaching in Thailand, however, it is important to look at it comparatively to the cost of living. Certainly, you likely wouldn’t be able to survive on Thailand’s teaching wages back in your home country, but in Thailand you can live comfortably and still have money left over at the end of each month.
The average wage for teaching English in Thailand is 35,000 THB (approx. US$1,100). This is certainly enough to live comfortably, but perhaps not quite enough to “live like a King,” as many people believe they can. If you wish to live a more luxurious life in Thailand, you will either need to pick up a second job (e.g., teaching private lessons of a weekend), or land yourself a position in an international school, or teaching at a corporate level.
If you have no experience teaching at all, or you don’t have a qualification in teaching, it will be unlikely that you can secure a position in an international school. However, don’t let that put you off. Again, the average salary for a teacher is more than enough to live well and enjoy yourself.
For more information on the reality of Teaching in Thailand click here.
Public & private schools
- This will be your bread & butter as a brand-new teacher in Thailand. You can easily find yourself a comfortable position in a public or private school and earn yourself a comfortable living. You will typically need a bachelor’s degree, TEFL certification, and native English speaker status to apply.
International Schools
- Again, the international schools are a step up and subsequently require more experience and greater qualifications in order to secure a position (i.e., QTS / PGCE). If you are qualified to teach in your home country, you will be qualified to work in an international school.
Language Centres and Private Tutoring
- This will be your bread & butter as a brand-new teacher in Thailand. You can easily find yourself a comfortable position in a public or private school and earn yourself a comfortable living. You will typically need a bachelor’s degree, TEFL certification, and native English speaker status to apply.
NOTE: Regarding accommodation in Thailand, if you would like any advice or assistance with finding yourself a suitable home, then we will be happy to help. Everyone who takes part in our amazing TEFL experience will always receive the best aftercare from our friendly team in order to ensure that you are set up comfortably and ready to start living your best life as a teacher in Thailand!
How much money will I be able to save, teaching in Thailand?
Ultimately, this will depend on three factors: how much you are earning, whether you have any debts or bills to pay back home, and how able you are to live within your means. Assuming that you are more or less debt-free, and you are earning 35,000 THB/month, you should be able to save between 5 & 10% of your salary each month.
If you are happy to live like a local, and can be disciplined during the week, then you can save a lot of money. This will enable you to enjoy your weekends and be regularly social, attending various evets, nights out, or weekend breaks on the various tropical islands in Thailand. Naturally, you won’t be able to afford to go crazy every weekend. However, if you are prepared to catch local transport and eat locally, then you will be more than comfortable financially.
The main question is, how much money do you really need to save? You should always have money set aside for emergencies. But other than that, you should endeavor to enjoy this experience and make the most of every opportunity presented to you.
The visa and work permit process
We won’t lie to you; the visa and work permit process can be incredibly stressful and confusing. Fortunately, if you are choosing us for your TEFL certification, then we will gladly guide you through the process. However, for the sake of being thorough, here is everything you will need for the teacher visa application process:
Non-Immigrant visas
Non-Immigrant visas are not official teaching English in Thailand visa “working visas”, though they are the first step in obtaining a legal working status. Here’s everything you’ll need:
Work Permit
A work permit is the document that will allow you to legally work in Thailand. However, you will find that in most cases, you will be asked to work without one, whilst the work permit process is sorted out. Some people often end up having worked for months without one. Here’s everything you’ll need:
Non-Immigrant visas
Non-Immigrant visas are not official “working visas”, though they are the first step in obtaining a legal working status. Here’s everything you’ll need:
Please don’t be put off by the red tape. Yes, the visa and work permit process can be a nightmare, however if you rely on the school or TEFL company that you are working with, they should be able to guide you through the process easily. Just make sure that you have absolutely everything that you need before going ahead and applying. Take your time, do your research, and never be afraid to ask questions. You’ll be just fine.

Many people favor Chiang Mai for the weather. Being in the north of Thailand, and at a higher altitude, the weather is much more pleasant throughout the year. Some Westerner’s living in Thailand, especially down South, often find the summer to be unbearably hot, at times. But aside from the weather, Chiang Mai is simply a stunning city in a beautiful mountainous landscape with a thriving expat community. You’ll never find yourself absent things to do of an evening, that’s for sure. The Chiang Mai TEFL course is poplar with nature lovers and a real cultural experience.

If you are all about the beach, and love the party lifestyle, then Pattaya is a great place to be. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Thailand due to its colorful nightlife, and the gorgeous beaches that grace the coast. That said, there is a tender side to Pattaya as well, with plenty of beautiful scenery and relaxing daytrips at your disposal. The Pattaya TEFL course is popular with younger applicants .

If you like the idea of living in what is often regarded as the Southern Island’s main hub, then Krabi it is! It’s the perfect location from which to explore Southern Thailand and to spend your weekends island hopping between the many glorious tropical escapes.
Of course, there are many places to live and teach in Thailand. Shop around and see what opportunities are available and then go from there. The Krabi TEFL course training location is popular with beach and sea lovers.
Ultimately, if it’s an adventure that you’re after, then teaching in Thailand will almost certainly be the perfect opportunity for you. You will have the opportunity to leave your home behind and throw yourself into an entirely alien culture. One that is rich and beautiful and will teach you much about yourself. You will have the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world—friends that you will keep for life. You will create memories that you will cherish forever, and it will give you plenty of time for soul-searching so that you can decide what the next chapter of your life will contain. Who knows! You might love teaching in Thailand so much, that you continue your travels across the world.
If you’re excited and would like to know more about our TEFL programs and how they can benefit you, then please feel free to contact us today, and schedule an appointment, at your convenience.